Setting and Achieving Healthy Life Goals
Photo by Drew Thorsen
Having healthy goals not only enhances physical health but also nurtures our emotional and mental resilience. How else can we ensure we are creating a life we love?
Goal setting is a skill that humans have to learn and practice. It's not something that we inherently know. If you’ve ever set goals and failed to reach them, it’s because you weren’t using the skills and principles of good goal setting. You may have heard of or tried using SMART goals. It’s an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic/relevant, timely/time-bound. These are good, but it takes more than that to really set goals that work for you. SMART goals are only part of the story. For a deeper dive, check out our total Goal Setting System.
While this article isn’t an exhaustive list, here are some key points to help you set and reach goals that are right for you:
-Focus on Process Goals, not just results:
Knowing what you want the outcome to be is important, but focusing solely on the end result can set you up for failure. Process goals are the actions and behaviors needed to achieve your desired outcome. For example, if your goal is to eat more vegetables, your process goals could include adding one vegetable serving each day or dedicating a specific amount of time to learning new vegetable recipes.
-Reflect on Your Values:
What truly matters to you? No one knows what you want better than you do. Leave judgment at the door and set your imagination free. Consider your values, passions, and long-term aspirations. Understanding what drives you will guide you in setting goals that resonate deeply with your center and your innermost desires. Commitment is half the battle and an aligned goal has a much better chance at being achievable for you.
Photo by Drew Thorsen
-Prioritize Self-Care:
Self-care isn't selfish; it's essential for your health, peace of mind and happiness. Dedicate time each day, preferably in the morning, for getting grounded and centered. Meditation, reading something inspiring, walking or running are some ways you can retrain yourself to focus just on yourself. This can be a time for reviewing your goals. Self-focused time is key for a happy life in the modern world.
-Know what to say no to:
Most of us struggle to balance all the roles and responsibilities in our daily lives. Achieving goals doesn’t mean your life has to become all work and no play. In fact, just the opposite. Striving for meaningful goals adds vitality to everything. Knowing when to say no is part of the process. Have some phrases ready for those awkward moments when being pushed to do things that aren’t aligned with your goals. Some examples:
“That sounds interesting, but the timing isn’t going to work for me.”
“I think [insert someone’s name here] would be great for that.”
The more specific your goal is, the more you can visualize it. Setting general goals will get you general results. For example, stating you want to lose weight is fine. Stating you want to lose weight in 3 months is better. Stating you want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months in order to comfortably run a 5k is great. The more specific the goal, the more vivid it is in your mind and in your heart. See it and believe it’s possible.
-Cultivate a Supportive Environment:
Most people are surrounded by people who are at the same level of health that they are. If you want to achieve new goals, look for others who are doing what you want to do. Focus more attention on people who uplift and encourage you and give less energy to those who don’t. This is easier said than done, but it’s part of the commitment to yourself and your new goals.
-Monitor Your Progress:
Keep track of how you’re doing. No one reaches goals through a straight line. Achieving goals takes constant readjustments along the way. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and learn from any setbacks or obstacles you encounter along the way. You will most likely screw up! This is a natural process otherwise you would have achieved the goal already and everyone would succeed at everything on the first try. Perfection doesn’t exist, so enjoy the ups and downs, and have faith that you’re still making progress.
-Seek Professional Guidance:
Don't hesitate to seek guidance from healthcare professionals, therapists, or coaches if you encounter challenges that seem overwhelming. Their expertise can provide valuable insights and strategies to help you overcome obstacles and stay on course.
Photo by Drew Thorsen