Welcome to
Bacopa Moon
where we
eat healthier,
heal, and have
Nutrition expands our adventures,
strengthens our minds and hearts
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A holistic approach, giving you simple ways to overcome obstacles and get powerful, healthy eating habits into your everyday life.
We get the connections between unhealthy relationships and unhealthy eating.
You can eat healthier, heal, and enjoy life your way.
Video: Oregon

Whether you’re looking to overhaul your diet, get back on track, or simply find balance, Bacopa Moon is here to support you with science-backed advice, tools, practical tips, and some nature-inspired wisdom.
Photo: Kauai
Pacific Northwest Living: Nature, Wellness and Community
With its lush forests, vibrant cities, and strong sense of community, the Pacific Northwest offers a lifestyle that celebrates nature, wellness, and connection.
Elderberries have been harvested, cooked, eaten, and used medicinally for centuries. It’s been used medicinally for respiratory illnesses. As with many herbs, the scientific evidence for its effectiveness is lacking, but that doesn’t mean it’s worthless.
Evidence-based solutions for weight management and sustainable diets. Food production has a significant impact on the environment. Land, water, and energy are all natural resources used in extraordinary amounts for producing foods, particularly meat. 80% of deforestation around the world is for food production. Over 70% of our limited global fresh water is used to produce food.
Dairy Free Diets and Calcium
Let’s get some clarity on calcium. Although there may be challenges to getting enough calcium without dairy, it’s very attainable. Knowing what your typical diet usually looks like and what your needs are, you can get the calcium you need with some planning.
The RDA for calcium for adults up to 70 years old is 1,000mg per day…
Oregon Grape
More love for Oregon grape. It’s been used by people since before anyone can remember.
Oregon Grape and Berberine
The path to better health is a long game. Trends come and go. Awareness and preservation of our wild plants is the healthy long game for us and for generations to come. Keep Oregon grape wild.
Myth: To get body confident, all you have to do is love yourself
It’s true, simplistically, self-love is a choice. Putting that into practice on a daily basis is an incredible challenge. Navigating all the visual and societal messages, including movies,, advertising, and everything else related to appearances is exhausting. At the end of…
WTF do I eat now that I’m over 45 and active?
Maybe the foods you used to eat without even thinking make you feel awful now. Digestion changes through life phases. Most of us can eat almost anything when we’re younger, then things change around midlife. You are not alone!
5 Secrets to Staying Active During and After Menopause
Staying active isn’t always easy during midlife, but it’s important for mind, body and spirit. Here are 5 ways to balance your deep need to hibernate with your exercise needs.